11/29/2023 8:39:43 PM The California Privacy Protection Agency Releases a First Draft of Automated Decisionmaking Opt-Out and Access Regulations By Christine Lyon Christine Chong The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) has been steadily making strides to progress rulemaking under the California Consumer...
10/18/2023 6:42:44 PM California’s Delete Act Could Be Next Frontier Beyond CCPA By Christine Lyon Jackson Myers Freshfields’ Christine Lyon and Jackson Myers analyze California’s newly signed Delete Act and how it could affect state residents’...
11/1/2022 7:45:44 PM “Bringing Dark Patterns to Light”: The FTC Warns Companies Against Manipulative User Interfaces By Christine Lyon Emily Parfitt According to a recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report, companies need to exercise care in designing their websites and other user...
10/26/2022 7:44:26 PM The White House’s “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights”: The Biden Administration’s Vision for AI By Christine Lyon Virginie Lassez The White House has issued a white paper titled Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People...
10/11/2022 6:40:33 PM Glimmers of a New, Shinier Privacy Shield?: Executive Order Released for the Latest EU-US Trans-Atlantic Data Agreement By Christine Lyon Christine Chong Companies seeking to facilitate the transfer of personal data from the EU to the US will welcome the news that President Biden has...
9/28/2022 9:12:26 PM California Employers and B2B Companies, Here’s a Sunset You’ll Want to Look Out For: Expiration of the CCPA Exemptions for HR Data and B2B Data By Christine Lyon Virginie Lassez In just a few months, companies subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will need to start providing the same CCPA rights...
9/15/2022 10:10:15 PM Taking A Cue From the Brits, California Passes a New Privacy Law Regulating Online Services Likely to be Accessed by Minors By Christine Lyon Tarlan Bananzadeh California is moving forward with more ground-breaking privacy legislation, most recently with its passage of the California...
5/18/2022 9:31:37 PM Data Scraping Does It Again By Mili Astesiano Menachem Kaplan Timothy Howard Once again, hiQ wins the day in the continuous data scraping saga. In the most recent ruling, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals...
3/25/2022 5:05:41 PM US NIST Publishes AI Risk Management Framework and Updates on Tackling Bias in AI By Vinita Kailasanath Sora Park The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has announced its publication of an initial draft of the AI Risk Management...
9/21/2021 4:00:04 PM The Future of Securities Fraud: Alternative Data Provider Fined $10 Million by SEC By Kimberly Zelnick Christine Lyon Doru Gavril Brock Dahl Hannah Khalifeh Ruth Montiel +3 more... Show less Last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that App Annie Inc. and its former CEO and Chairman Bertrand Schmitt...
3/25/2021 2:15:21 PM The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, Part V By Peter Jaffe Menachem Kaplan In this finale to our series comparing the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act to the GDPR and CCPA/CPRA, we finally cover perhaps the...
3/5/2021 1:26:31 PM The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, Part IV By Peter Jaffe Menachem Kaplan Virginia has now passed the country’s second comprehensive consumer privacy law, so it’s time to pick up where we left off. In previous...