10/28/2021 2:56:51 PM The Season of ESG By Pamela Marcogliese Elizabeth Bieber Partner Pamela Marcogliese and counsel and head of activism and shareholder engagement Elizabeth Bieber were recently interviewed by the...
10/21/2021 7:24:10 PM Distressed Financing Pitfalls: When Execution Goes Off Track (Part 2) By Samantha Braunstein Lacey Nemergut Welcome back to our blog post series on those distressed financing pitfalls that may seem like little bumps in the road but can cause...
10/20/2021 6:32:25 PM US DOJ Sets the Stage for Biden Enforcement Priorities and Potential New Challenges for Corporations Engaged in Global Business By Kimberly Zelnick Adam Siegel In recent months, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has begun to signal the Biden administration’s enforcement agenda as well as some of...
10/19/2021 1:33:40 PM Draft Cyber Breach Bill Needs Stronger Federal Involvement By Brock Dahl The following article was published by Bloomberg Law on October 19, 2021. Click here to view. Republished with permission. Congress needs...