Apr 24, 2020 Part 2: Do I have to go through with this? A summary of recently filed MAE/MAC cases By Nathan Hembree Timothy Harkness Kate Apostolova As previously predicted in our blog piece Do I have to go through with this? A summary of recently filed MAE/MAC cases, material adverse...
Apr 19, 2020 Do I have to go through with this? A summary of recently filed MAE/MAC cases By Timothy Harkness Kate Apostolova Nathan Hembree We thought it might be helpful if we summarize the recent cases filed in the Delaware courts that implicate material adverse...
Mar 24, 2020 Coronavirus, force majeure and foreseeability: was the current pandemic foreseeable, and what would this mean for contract claims? By Timothy Harkness David Livshiz Christian Vandergeest For the vast majority of us, the speed and scope of the coronavirus pandemic came as a surprise. Only weeks ago, everything seemed...
Feb 05, 2020 Considerations for topping bids in public M&A By Paul Tiger Delaware law does not necessarily require the board of a public company to canvas potentially interested bidders widely before agreeing...