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A Fresh Take

Insights on US legal developments

| 1 minute read

Q3 Governance Update: Election Edition

Below you will find a link to our Q3 Governance Update, which brings together our latest thinking on the impact of the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Just like predicting how an election will go, it is incredibly difficult to predict what will happen in any new administration. Campaign rhetoric does not always translate into policy positions.  Implementing policy changes takes time and is often complicated by congressional priorities and litigation. Court cases are increasingly resulting in nationwide injunctions issued against new administration policies, often delaying implementation for years.

This update serves as an onramp to what we know will be a long few months of predictions and posturing as the dust settles on the new administration and Congress readies itself for the new session in January. In the meantime, please get in touch with your usual Freshfields contact should you want to discuss any of these issues in further detail. We will come back to you as we identify steps you can take to mitigate risks and take advantage of any opportunities. 


In addition to the editors listed on this post, the firm would like to thank the following attorneys for their contributions to this update:

Oliver Board, Stephanie Brown Cripps, Daniel Cendan, Andrew Dockham, Boris Feldman, Adam Golden, Mary Lehner, Steve Matays, Aimen Mir, Meghan Rissmiller, Adam Siegel, Joe Soltis, Justin Stewart-Teitelbaum, Tom Walsh, Nabeel Yousef, Brian Reissaus, Jessica Heller, Jeff Jay, Tim Chen, William Cooke, Jon Fougner, Ginger Hervey, and Carl Hudson


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